
Take Your Child to the Library Day - February (redirected from Take Your Child to the Library Day-February)

Page history last edited by Jessica Lamarre 9 years, 1 month ago

YSS membership voted to adopt the"Take Your Child to the Library Day"!

This will occur annually on the first Saturday in February. The 2016 date is: February 6!


TYCTLD Graphics

If your library will be participating in this initiative, please register with the official  CT site  

If you have any questions, please contact Jessica Lamarre, Children's Librarian, Duxbury Free Library

jlamarre@ocln.org 781-934-2721 x 5631




Here is some information from the Take Your Child to the Library Day website: http://www.ctlibrarians.org/?page=Take


Take Your Child to the Library Day  - the History!

Nadine Lipman, a children's librarian in Waterford, Connecticut, came up with the idea for Take Your Child to the Library Day and selected the first Saturday in February as the annual day of celebration. The  annual event will be on the first Saturday in February.  The idea sprang from the recent “Take Your Child to a Bookstore Day”. The idea gained popularity immediately, and librarians started planning special events, programs, and displays. 

It's Free!

It doesn't cost anything to be part of a child's first (most recent!) visit to the Library. Start a Library card drive, host a performer, run a storytime, offer a craft, or just showcase the wonderful services your Library offers every day of the year. We can't wait to hear about the creative ideas your Library is cooking up. If you aren't working that day, plan for it on another Saturday in February.


Check out the Facebook page! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Take-Your-Child-to-the-Library-Day/286965704682090


2015 Program Ideas:


Elephant and Piggie Celebration


Music & Movement Class


Pumpernickel Puppets


Bookmark making and book raffles


Bookmarks & Stamping new books


Here are some programs that Massachusetts libraries held in 2013 for TYCTTLD:  


We plan to host a drop-in Toddler Time and Story Time in the morning, an ongoing scavenger hunt throughout the day and a meeting of the Lego club in the afternoon. 
We are holding two special story times.  One at 9:30 AM, for 0-2 years old and one at 10:30 AM for 3-5 years old that includes a craft.  Visitors can also guess how many elephants are in our case for a chance to win a stuffed elephant and book.
We are hosting Peter Struzziero’s Star Wars program for ages 5 – teen

We will be doing Valentines Day Crafts from 10:30-11:45.
Story and Science with Kim Torres, Saturday, February 2 from 10 - 11 a.m
Sparky's Puppets will be presenting Stories from Snowy Lands
10-10:30 am  Sensory Storytime, 2:30-3:15pm   Mad Science presents "Up Up and Away"
We will have a craft that celebrates Groundhog Day and reading:  a cup with a pop-up groundhog holding a sign promoting reading, something along the lines of "reading wakes you up".  We are also saving the last few steps of processing of any new books, so the kids will have the opportunity to stamp and date the book, put the barcode on and maybe the spine label.  At the same time, there will be a bookplate personalized with the "Take Your Child to the Library" event and the child's name so their efforts will be recorded in the book.
Southborough Library is having a puppet show with "Mr. Vinny's Little Puppet" Puppet Show at 2:00 pm.
Teddy Bear Sleepover/Drop in Crafts
"Wiggle and Jiggle" songs and movement for children ages 1-3 with a parent
The Friends of the Westborough Public Library are hosting an all-day family fundraiser on Saturday, February 2 - MINI-GOLF at the LIBRARY.
All Day (while supplies last) Groundhog Day craft
Family Movie: The Adventures of TinTin (PG)
We will also be doing raffles throughout the day
We are planning a pajama time story time to accompany the drop off of stuffed animals for a stuffed animal sleep over Friday, Feb 1 with the kids returning the next day for Take Your Child to the Library day.


Music with Mike McCusker (Mike McCusker's Family Folk) at 10:30 a.m.


Special Saturday Story Time with Ann at 3:00 p.m.


Comments (3)

Molly Collins said

at 12:51 pm on May 18, 2012

Check out the School Library Journal article on this special day!

Molly Collins said

at 8:57 pm on Sep 20, 2012

Here is a fun idea for libraries that may not have staff to do programming on Saturdays:

Molly Collins said

at 6:46 pm on Nov 29, 2012

Hello folks! I wanted to let you all know that I'm moving out of state and will no longer be the Massachusetts rep for this initiative. Betsy Rajotte (Monson) has kindly offered to be the new representative! Thanks, Betsy!

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